June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month

🍃5 in 10 women and 🍃6 in 10 men will experience at least one traumatic event during the lifetime.
🍃Traumatic events may include physical and sexual abuse, neglect, natural and manmade disasters, medical procedures, and death. They may occur to self or individuals witness someone else undergo these traumas.
🍃Untreated #traumas often lead to post-traumatic stress, #addiction, depression, and excessive anxiety. Individuals also experience problems in the family, school, workplace, and community.
🍃PTSD often includes four types of symptoms: intrusive memories, avoidance, changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions.
🍃Evidence-based interventions are most effective in treating traumas and PTSD. These treatment approaches include: EMDR, CBT, TFCBT, and CPT.



